PcMus Hit-Trax Midi File Prices

Quantity Price ($AUD) excl. GST Price ($USA) Price (€EUR) FREEBIES*
1 to 3 $16.50 ea $11.50 ea €10.00 No FREEBIES
4 to 8 $15.00 ea $10.00 ea €9.00 1 FREEBIE
9 to 14 $14.00 ea $9.00 ea €8.00 2 FREEBIES
15 to 20 $13.50 ea $8.00 ea €7.00 2 FREEBIES
21 to 25 $12.50 ea $7.00 ea €6.00 3 FREEBIES
26 to 40 $11.50 ea $6.00 ea €5.00 3 FREEBIES
41 to 60 $10.00 ea $5.00 ea €5.00 5 FREEBIES
60 or more $10.00 ea $5.00 ea €5.00 10 FREEBIES

NOTE: The amount of your order is shown in Australian dollars ($AUD). You will also view the converted amount if you have selected the live Currency Selector. Your credit card statement will show a transaction by HITTRAX.

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